Business English class on 19 November 2013
pages of the book covered
We covered pages 86 – 87 Looking at virtual meetings versus face to face meetings
table generated from the discussion
Pros (+)
Cons (-)
Questions (?)
Face-to-face meetings
- at the initial meeting it is better to meet up face-to-face.
- if there are problems or sensitive issues better to have a face-to-face meeting
- better for building relationships with your partners.
- Too expensive
- out of the office too long
Virtual meetings
- Saves time and money
- if the software allows file sharing – everyone has the same documents.
- Not good for problematic meetings and where sensitive issues need to be discussed
- not good for BIG decisions
- the software does not always work
- Do we know how to manage a good conversation / meeting online?
pictures of the work in class
the pros

the cons


- at the initial meeting it is better to meet up face-to-face.
- if there are problems or sensitive issues better to have a face-to-face meeting
- better for building relationships with your partners.
- Too expensive
- out of the office too long
- Saves time and money
- if the software allows file sharing – everyone has the same documents.
- Not good for problematic meetings and where sensitive issues need to be discussed
- not good for BIG decisions
- the software does not always work
- Do we know how to manage a good conversation / meeting online?